Vertical and side cutting machine

Products info

Product description

The machine is composed of two main parts: the frame conveyor a nd the blade-operating equipment.
When the level photocell detects the bottle, the latter is “captured” and blocked by two moulds; then, the rotating
blade is lowered on the bottle with a vertical motion until a circular cut is obtained on internal surface of the bottle
Alternatively, you can install on the machine a side-cutting device, withadds to the rotating blade a horizontal motion
when it is positioned at the cutting area. The scrap material that is shaved off during the cutting operation is conveyed
separately from the bottle.

The standard machine is supplied equipped with:
cutting unit
conveyor belt
protection guards as per CE laws
electropneumatic unit


  • Approx production: 800 - 3600 pz/h (depending on bottle features)
  • Maximum cutting diameter: 250 mm
The above data are to be intended as a mere indication. Indeed, they may vary considerably depending on the type of product to be cut.

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